Think Tank 2023
J.Lab: fashion made by you
J.Lab is a social media and an e-commerce for customized jeans. It allows users to explore and publish the content, shop and create their own designs all in one app….
Head2Toe: to speed up shopping while slowing down fashion
Our retailing idea emerges as a solution for a new rising portion of urban population: busy working women that have little time to shop. As Europe is witnessing a surge…
Kronos: save your time
Nowadays, people conduct frenetic lives. Life has resumed its pre-Covid rhythms: employees have returned to their offices, students can now go to their classes in person, and people are going…
DigiCo Home: where your creativity, green and home needs come to live at the convenience of your fingertips
Despite the rapid increase of digital innovations in retail, the DIY (Do-It-Yourself) sector remains inert, with digital strategies mainly focused on e-commerce. Younger customers no longer choose DIY retailers solely…
Aura: temple of wellness
AURA is defined as a spiritual belief where your body produces energy that allows you to achieve mental tranquility. Many individuals suffer from mental illness through their jobs and especially…
Si chiama Pietro!
Si chiama Pietro is a highly-technological rental store ideated to satisfy the increasing demand for board games in the Italian market. Game lovers demand for variety and most of them…
TIAM, un giorno per te: a new consumption experience
TIÀM – un giorno per te – is an innovative concept store aimed towards capturing the latest trends in fashion and luxury retail by incorporating them with the needs of…
SqueezIT: fruttivendolo in abbonamento
La necessità di contrastare il crescente spreco di frutta e verdura e di valorizzare questi prodotti ha portato alla nascita di SqueezIT. SqueezIT è un fruttivendolo che si pone l’obiettivo…
L’orto di Kore: non un negozio, ma uno stile di vita
Dopo una profonda analisi dei trend di mercato attuali in Italia, si è deciso di studiare un nuovo concept riguardante i prodotti ortofrutticoli. Il nostro punto vendita, “L’orto di Kore”,…
Chromie, l’armocromia a portata di negozio
L’idea alla base di Chromie (troncamento della parola tedesca armochromie, dato che il sistema nacque presso la scuola di arte e design Bauhaus) parte dall’analisi di un trend in forte…
ReStart: abbigliamento sportivo tra sostenibilità ambientare e high-tech
ReStart è un negozio di abbigliamento sportivo che rappresenta un connubio tra sostenibilità ambientale e high-tech. Ha una superficie di 290 m2, è situato a Milano, in Corso Buenos Aires,…
Un concept store per avvicinare le culture: Cityfolk
Il concept store CityFolk ha l’obbiettivo di avvicinare le culture che connotano la metropoli di Milano, cercando di raccontarle attraverso la cucina e il racconto della loro storia e delle…
Neokid: fashion store sostenibile per bambini e neonati
Neokid è uno store di fashion sostenibile e attento all’ambiente ideato per la compravendita di vestiti usati per neonati e bambini (0 – 8 anni). L’idea di Neokid nasce per…
BeviMi: a take-home experience
L’idea di business nasce da tre differenti e importanti motivi: con l’obiettivo di evitare gli sprechi e gli avanzi di alcolici nelle dispense degli italiane, la mission principale si concretizza…
W.A.Y. – Il retailer del futuro
WAY è un modello di negozio d’abbigliamento innovativo che reinventa la customer experience nel punto vendita. La novità risiede nell’ingegnerizzazione del processo d’acquisto e nel recupero degli spazi, riutilizzati per…
Uni4U: l’app pensata da studenti per studenti
Uni4U è l’app pensata da studenti per studenti. Una delle decisioni più importanti che un giovane deve prendere nella sua vita riguarda indubbiamente la scelta del proprio percorso scolastico. Secondo…
Seas: customizzazione all’interno del punto di vendita
In un mondo in continua evoluzione, all’interno del quale il consumatore si trova sempre più al centro delle scelte, abbiamo deciso di lavorare sulla customizzazione e sull’esperienza all’interno del punto…
LEAF: Il supermercato dei freschi
Il mercato dell’Organic food in Italia sta crescendo a tal punto che il 54% dei consumatori cerca di acquistare solo prodotti naturali e biologici ed è disposto a pagare di…
Aurea, la sostenibilità dell’abbigliamento
Sostenibilità. Alcuni pensano che se ne parli troppo, altri che non se ne parli abbastanza. A noi delle parole importa poco, ci interessano i fatti, visto che da essi dipende…
English projects
Unclick, a concept store for computer mouse
Concept In China, Uniclick is the first retail store that sells its own brand of custom ergonomic mice and basic mice from other brands. We understand the discomfort caused by…
S4ve: the Surfboard store in Tenerife
Our concept store, located on Las Americas beach in Tenerife, is focused on producing eco-friendly surfboards made from recycled ocean waste. Through a partnership with an ocean conservation company and…
Chips Crush: personalized chips for anyone
Market Trend Analysis & Concept The European chips market is currently growing steadily, with an expected CAGR of 3.8% between 2021 and 2026. One of its driving factors is the…
ListR’: shop all your moods
Concept ListR’ is an app that allows you to order from a wide range of “playlists” of mainly food products but also non-food products that will be delivered to your…
Fit Your Jeans: a concept store with intelligent fitting rooms
Retail concept It’s challenging to find a well fitted pair of jeans. Jeans are an everyday piece of garment. People want to feel comfortable in them, they want to look…
ODELA: beyond jewelry
Retail concept ODELA (<au-delà>) was born with the idea of offering unique experiences to customers interested in luxury jewels. Our name is the manifesto to communicate our motto: “beyond jewelry”….
The Book House: a fully immersive book-reading experience
Concept Imagine the possibility of inhabiting the worlds of literature that you immerse yourself in through reading. Our innovative concept store facilitates this unique experience for book enthusiasts, where they…
Georgette Café: l’authentique cuisine de nos grands-mères
Concept Georgette Café is a welcoming place where grandparents prepare delicious homemade pastries and dishes. The café offers cozy seating areas and a dedicated section for homemade food jars, including…
Fastoche: reinventing Retail Grocery Shopping
Retail concept Smart convenience store with the aim of getting back to basics. What is emphasized: the product, not the brand. If at first glance, Fastoche looks like any other…
Delibug: the future food concept store
Concept Delibug is a futuristic, modern concept store that sells alternative products focused on insects as a sustainable meat alternative. Our aim is to create a chic, trendy, and minimalist…
Outliner: scan, try & buy
Our Outliner application is designed to facilitate the shopping process for consumers who wish to purchase fashion and accessories. It allows consumers to virtually try on clothes seen in shops…
MonTage: a vintage-assembly chain store brand
Retail concept MonTage is a vintage-assembly chain store brand with design and tailor services which offers: Vintage clothes, bags and accessories of premium and luxury brands Customized design and tailor…
Shop&Go: a new smart convenience store
Retail concept Shop&Go is an ultra connected convenient store that adapts its store layout throughout the day to satisfy the needs and the shoppers’ demand. This concept relies on Data…
FloWine: from earth to heart
FloWine is a hybridized specialty store located in Milan in Brera district, with the aim of providing an experiential journey inside the world of organic wines and flowers. This combination…
ReJuice: taste the flavor of saved fruits and vegetables
Retail concept ReJuice is a network of smoothies and gazpachos vending machines located first in student schools, that will expand in other high traffic locations. The objective is to offer…
Terra Nostra: wgere sustainability meets wellness
Terra Nostra is the name of our innovative retail concept centred around sustainability, social responsibility and well being, located in Milan. After conducting a micro and macro analysis, the idea…
EVOLV CUSTOMS: how to give a “second Life” to clothes
The market of fast fashion is nowadays characterized by three main components: its focus on trendiness, affordability and the disposable nature of the clothing. In fact, when combining the last…
Bonotti’s luxury fragrances
We propose an innovative and revolutionary retail store concept in the fragrance industry. We conducted a careful analysis of macro trends in both Italy and throughout Europe thanks to a…
FarMi: be a farmer in a big city
As the world shifts towards a greener and more sustainable way of consumption, people have grown more aware of what they consume individually. Therefore, we are introducing “FarMi”, which offers…
J.Lab: fashion made by you
J.Lab is a social media and an e-commerce for customized jeans. It allows users to explore and publish the content, shop and create their own designs all in one app….
Head2Toe: to speed up shopping while slowing down fashion
Our retailing idea emerges as a solution for a new rising portion of urban population: busy working women that have little time to shop. As Europe is witnessing a surge…
Kronos: save your time
Nowadays, people conduct frenetic lives. Life has resumed its pre-Covid rhythms: employees have returned to their offices, students can now go to their classes in person, and people are going…
DigiCo Home: where your creativity, green and home needs come to live at the convenience of your fingertips
Despite the rapid increase of digital innovations in retail, the DIY (Do-It-Yourself) sector remains inert, with digital strategies mainly focused on e-commerce. Younger customers no longer choose DIY retailers solely…
Aura: temple of wellness
AURA is defined as a spiritual belief where your body produces energy that allows you to achieve mental tranquility. Many individuals suffer from mental illness through their jobs and especially…
Si chiama Pietro!
Si chiama Pietro is a highly-technological rental store ideated to satisfy the increasing demand for board games in the Italian market. Game lovers demand for variety and most of them…
TIAM, un giorno per te: a new consumption experience
TIÀM – un giorno per te – is an innovative concept store aimed towards capturing the latest trends in fashion and luxury retail by incorporating them with the needs of…