Wear the Weather, lo shop senza stagioni

    • Università: Bocconi
    • Docenti:

      Fabrizio Zerbini

    • Studenti:

      Gaia Giovanelli, Sophie-Marie Guhl, Alessandro Isidori, Sofia Moretti, Emma Rocchetti, Giacomo Savarese, Ethan Yan

    Seasonal Sensations Group - video

    Progettato dal Seasonal Sensations Group, Wear the Weather è un negozio di moda multi-brand che introduce un’esperienza nuova nel fashion retail per la vendita di marchi premium di alta gamma: le stanze SeasonSync. Si tratta di locali a temperatura controllata, progettati per permettere ai clienti di valutare i vestiti alla temperatura più adatta. Saranno disponibili quattro stanze SeasonSync a -20°, -5°, 0°, 10°, 12°, 26° e 33°. Inoltre, il concept store si propone di aiutare i clienti ad acquistare più consapevolmente.

    Agli antipodi del fast fashion

    L’idea nasce da un’analisi delle tendenze di mercato attuali, in particolare quella dei negozi esperienziali, ricavata da un sondaggio condotto dai progettisti per esplorare le esigenze latenti nel panorama del retail di moda. Considerando quante volte le persone sprecano soldi e tempo acquistando abiti che alla fine non vengono indossati e l’impatto di questo modello di consumo, il 60% dei partecipanti ha espresso la preferenza spendere di più, in meno articoli ma di alta qualità, piuttosto che optare per più alternative, di qualità inferiore. L’obiettivo è diminuire gli sprechi in fase di acquisto, che comportano perdite finanziarie, di tempo e danni ambientali.

    Wear the Weather, il layout

    Nel layout dello store, le stanze SeasonSync saranno posizionate al secondo piano, vicino agli spogliatoi standard, per creare un ambiente discreto dove i clienti potranno indossare i capi lontano dal livello della strada. Le stanze SeasonSync saranno costruite con materiali isolanti per ridurre lo spreco energetico.

    Wear the Weather, la location

    Situato in via Sant’Andrea, nel quadrilatero della moda di Milano, il negozio punta a una fascia di consumatori attenti a mondo del fashion, alto-spendenti. Si tratta dell’area che a Milano registra il maggiore flusso di clienti abbienti, tra i 25 e 40 anni che cercano eleganza classica e sono appassionati di lusso. La gamma offerta comprenderà marchi come Patagonia e Moncler. Considerando il nostro cliente target, abbiamo progettato il nostro negozio in modo che gli acquirenti rimangano il più possibile all’interno, sperimentando capi alle varie temperature, con l’obiettivo di aumentare la durata media della visita come kpi per massimizzare la probabilità di trasformare un visitatore in un acquirente.

    English version

    Wear the Weather is a multi-brand fashion store that introduces a revolutionary concept in fashion retail by seamlessly integrating the sale of high-end premium brands with a unique experience in our SeasonSync rooms. SeasonSync rooms are special temperature rooms designed to enable customers to assess the comfort and suitability of their outfits in different temperatures, aligning with the current season and the collections on offer. Our Autumn/Winter Collection, available from late August, provides four distinct temperature options: -20°, -5°, 0°, and 10°. Meanwhile, the spring/summer collection, launching in late January, offers three temperature options: 12°, 26° and 33°. Notably, our store maintains a constant temperature of 21° throughout the year, eliminating the need for a SeasonSync room at this temperature.

    Wear the Weather for a more conscious purchases

    Furthermore, our store concept will help clients make more conscious purchases. Our idea evolved from an analysis of current market conditions and trends, particularly the trend of experience stores, and from a survey we conducted to explore latent needs in the fashion retail landscape. Consider this: How often do individuals squander their money and time acquiring clothing that ultimately goes unworn? What impact does this pattern of consumption have on environmental issues? Addressing these queries, our survey of 150 participants revealed a significant majority who consistently found themselves storing clothes in their wardrobe, having forgotten about them after multiple purchases. Intriguingly, 60% expressed a preference for investing more in a select few high-quality items rather than opting for a larger quantity of lower-quality alternatives. The goal is to empower customers to make high-quality purchasing decisions, alleviating concerns on regrettable, wasteful purchases that result in financial loss, time wastage and environmental damage.

    Wear the Weather's target

    The SeasonSync rooms will be placed on the second floor near the standard changing rooms, to create a discrete environment where our customers can try products on without feeling observed by passersby. Constructed with insulating materials to reduce energy waste, these rooms cater to our target demographic-individuals aged 25 to 40 which seek classic elegance and luxury enthusiasts.

    Wear the Weather's location

    Located in Via S. Andrea within Milan's renowned "Quadrilatero della moda", our flagship store strategically targets fashion-forward consumers who are willing to invest into long lasting purchasing decisions. It’s the area in Milan with the highest flow of high spending customers and the warm and welcoming ambiance, in contrast to fast-fashion retailers, complements our assortment of premium high-end brands like Patagonia and Moncler. Given our target customer, we designed our store so that shoppers will stay as long as possible inside while experimenting with the various temperatures, aiming at increasing the average visit duration as a kpi to maximise the probability of turning a visitor into a shopper.

    Wear the Weather's financial forecast

    Our financial analysis forecasts a promising start, with initial profits expected to be low but positive. Our revenue stream comes from sales, with an average transaction value of €375. Key costs include purchases, rent, and services (encompassing energy and marketing expenses). We've also projected encouraging kpis, anticipating an impressive average customer lifetime value of €15,000. Our robust retention rate, at approximately 0.71, surpasses the retail industry average of 0.63. This is attributed to our unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction and loyalty.

    Wear the Weather's next steps

    Looking ahead, we plan to replicate our success in other fashion destinations such as London, Paris, or New York. Our flexible concept is adaptable to diverse markets, including the North American one, where geographic variations and high cross-state mobility make our store well-suited to meet customer needs. We will adapt the specific temperatures of the SeasonSync rooms to the country and city we locate in, ensuring a seamless expansion process abroad.


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